Expository Thoughts on the Gospels
Volume 1: Matthew
Weight | 0.552 kg |
Dimensions | 22.3 × 14.3 × 2.5 cm |
ISBN | 9781848711280 |
Scripture | Matthew |
Topic | No topic listed |
Set | Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (Clothbound) |
Page Count | 312 |
Banner Pub Date | Jul 1, 2012 |
Binding | Cloth-bound, eBook (ePub & Kindle), Cloth-bound & eBook (ePub & Kindle) |
Format | Book |
Original Pub Date | 1856 |
Book Description
As the first Gospel in the New Testament, Matthew was, not surprisingly, the first to be published in J. C. Ryle’s series of Expository Thoughts on the Gospels (1856). Ryle’s expositions are a rich combination of doctrinal and practical comments on the Gospel text.
Ryle loved the Gospels because they were so full of the Lord Jesus Christ. ‘No part of the Bible is so important as this’, he wrote, ‘and no part is so full and complete. Four distinct Gospels tell us the story of Christ’s doings and dying. Four times we read the precious account of his works and words. How thankful we ought to be for this! To know Christ is to have peace with God. To follow Christ is to be a true Christian. To be with Christ will be heaven itself. We can never hear too much about the Lord Jesus Christ.’
Ryle’s Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture.
Now reprinted in a fresh, new format, Expository Thoughts on the Gospel of Matthew will bring Ryle’s plain yet profound insights to a new generation.
Table of Contents Expand ↓
1:1-17 | The genealogy of Christ | 1 |
1:18-25 | The incarnation and name of Christ | 4 |
2:1-12 | The wise men from the East | 7 |
2:13-23 | The flight into Egypt, and subsequent abode at Nazareth | 11 |
3:1-12 | The ministry of John the Baptist | 14 |
3:13-17 | The baptism of Christ | 17 |
4:1-11 | The temptation | 19 |
4:12-25 | The beginning of Christ’s ministry, and the calling of the first disciples | 22 |
5:1-12 | The beatitudes | 25 |
5:13-20 | The character of true Christians, and the connection between the teaching of Christ and the Old Testament | 29 |
5:21-37 | Spirituality of the law proved by three examples | 32 |
5:38-48 | The Christian law of love set forth | 35 |
6:1-8 | Ostentation in almsgiving and prayer forbidden | 38 |
6:9-15 | The Lord’s Prayer and the duty of forgiving one another | 40 |
6:16-24 | The right manner of fasting,—treasure in heaven,—the single eye | 45 |
6:25-34 | Over-carefulness about this world forbidden | 47 |
7:1-11 | Censoriousness forbidden,—prayer encouraged | 50 |
7:12-20 | The rule of duty towards others,—the two gates,—warning against false prophets | 53 |
7:21-29 | Uselessness of profession without practice, — the two builders | 56 |
8:1-15 | Miraculous healing of a leprosy, a palsy, and a fever | 59 |
8:16-27 | Christ’s wisdom in dealing with professors, the storm on the lake calmed | 62 |
8:28-34 | The devil cast out of a man in the country of the Gergesenes | 65 |
9:1-13 | A palsied man healed,—the calling of Matthew the publican | 67 |
9:14-26 | New wine and new bottles,—the Ruler’s daughter raised to life | 70 |
9:27-38 | Two blind men healed,—Christ’s compassion on the multitude,—the duty of disciples | 73 |
10:1-15 | The sending forth of the first Christian preachers | 76 |
10:16-23 | Instructions to the first Christian preachers | 79 |
10:24-33 | Warnings to the first Christian preachers | 82 |
10:34-42 | Cheering words to the first Christian preachers | 85 |
11:1-15 | Christ’s testimony about John the Baptist | 88 |
11:16-24 | Unreasonableness of unbelievers exposed,— danger of not using the light | 91 |
11:25-30 | Greatness of Christ,—fulness of gospel invitations | 94 |
12:1-13 | The true doctrine of the Sabbath cleared from Jewish error | 98 |
12:14-21 | Wickedness of the Pharisees,—encouraging description of Christ’s character | 101 |
12:22-37 | Blasphemy of Christ’s enemies,—sins against knowledge,—idle words | 104 |
12:38-50 | Power of unbelief,—danger of imperfect and incomplete reformation,—Christ’s love to his disciples | 109 |
13:1-23 | Parable of the sower | 113 |
13:24-43 | Parable of the wheat and tares | 118 |
13:44-50 | Parables of the treasure, the pearl, and the net | 122 |
13:51-58 | Christ’s treatment in his own country,— danger of unbelief | 125 |
14:1-12 | Martyrdom of John the Baptist | 128 |
14:13-21 | Miracle of the loaves and fishes | 131 |
14:22-36 | Christ walking on the sea | 134 |
15:1-9 | Hypocrisy of scribes and Pharisees,— danger of traditions | 138 |
15:10-20 | False teachers,—the heart the source of sin | 141 |
15:21-28 | The Canaanitish mother | 144 |
15:29-39 | Christ’s miracles of healing | 148 |
16:1-12 | Enmity of the scribes and Pharisees,— Christ’s warning against them | 151 |
16:13-20 | Peter’s noble confession | 155 |
16:21-23 | Peter rebuked | 160 |
16:24-28 | Necessity of self-denial,—value of the soul | 162 |
17:1-13 | The transfiguration | 164 |
17:14-21 | The young man possessed with a devil healed | 169 |
17:22-27 | The fish and the tribute money | 172 |
18:1-14 | Necessity of conversion and humility,— reality of hell | 176 |
18:15-20 | Rule for settling differences among Christians,—nature of church discipline | 180 |
18:21-35 | Parable of the unforgiving servant | 184 |
19:1-15 | Christ’s judgment about divorces,—Christ’s tenderness to little children | 187 |
19:16-22 | The rich young man | 190 |
19:23-30 | Danger of riches,—encouragement to forsake all for Christ | 194 |
20:1-16 | Parable of the labourers in the vineyard | 197 |
20:17-23 | Christ’s announcement of his coming death— mixture of ignorance and faith in true disciples | 201 |
20:24-28 | True standard of greatness among Christians | 205 |
20:29-34 | Healing of two blind men | 208 |
21:1-11 | Christ’s public entry into Jerusalem | 211 |
21:12-22 | Christ casting the buyers and sellers out of the temple,—the barren fig tree | 214 |
21:23-32 | Christ’s reply to the Pharisees demanding his authority,—the two sons | 218 |
21:33-46 | Parable of the wicked husbandmen | 221 |
22:1-14 | Parable of the great supper | 224 |
22:15-22 | The Pharisees’ question about paying tribute | 228 |
22:23-33 | The Sadducees’ question about the resurrection | 231 |
22:34-46 | The lawyer’s question about the great commandment,—Christ’s question to his enemies | 234 |
23:1-12 | Christ’s warning against the teaching of the scribes and Pharisees | 238 |
23:13-33 | Eight charges against the scribes and Pharisees | 241 |
23:34-39 | Christ’s last public words to the Jews | 246 |
24:1-14 | Prophecy on the Mount of Olives,—about the destruction of Jerusalem, Christ’s second coming, and the end of the world | 250 |
24:15-28 | Prophecy continued, about miseries to come at the first and second sieges of Jerusalem | 253 |
24:29-35 | Second advent of Christ described | 257 |
24:36-51 | Time just before second advent described, and watchfulness enjoined | 261 |
25:1-13 | Parable of the ten virgins | 264 |
25:14-30 | Parable of the talents | 268 |
25:31-46 | Last judgment | 272 |
26:1-13 | The woman who anointed our Lord’s head | 276 |
26:14-25 | The false apostle, and his besetting sin | 280 |
26:26-35 | The Lord’s supper and the first communicants | 284 |
26:36-46 | The agony in the garden | 289 |
26:47-56 | The false apostle’s kiss,—the voluntary submission of Christ | 293 |
26:57-68 | Christ before the Jewish Council | 297 |
26:69-75 | Peter’s denial of his Master | 300 |
27:1-10 | The end of Judas Iscariot | 304 |
27:11-26 | Christ condemned before Pilate | 308 |
27:27-44 | Christ’s sufferings in the hands of the soldiers, and crucifixion | 311 |
27:45-56 | Christ’s death, and signs accompanying it | 315 |
27:57-66 | Christ’s burial, and vain precautions of his enemies to prevent his resurrection | 319 |
28:1-10 | Christ’s resurrection | 323 |
28:11-20 | Christ’s parting charge to his disciples | 327 |
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A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.

A new, re-typeset, clothbound edition of Ryle’s popular expositional series on the Gospels. The Expository Thoughts can be used as a help in family worship, or as an aid in pastoral visitation, or simply as a companion to the Gospels in the private reading of Scripture. 288–432 pp. per volume.
Robert Luff –
This book will help you love your Lord Jesus more. Easily one of the best devotional books I have ever read. Read a chapter a day alongside your daily Bible reading and it will encourage you and deepen your fellowship with our kind, incomparable Savior.