New Testament Commentary: Matthew

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Weight 1.26 kg
Dimensions 22.3 × 14.3 × 5.8 cm
ISBN 9780851511924




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Hendriksen New Testament Commentaries



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I know of no finer commentaries in the English language — EDWIN PALMER

Book Description

The first Gospel, written by one of the least conspicuous of the twelve apostles, is a book of primary importance. Dr Hendriksen’s massive commentary soon reveals why this is so, and why, for the author, the reading of Matthew ‘at one sitting is a thrilling experience. The book is simply irresistible.’

While holding that the purpose of Matthew’s Gospel was ‘fully to win the Jews to Christ,’ Dr Hendriksen does not find the Gospel’s most distinctive feature in Christ’s kingship. Rather it is seen in the prophetic emphasis, in the plan of God’s grace revealed in the Messianic predictions of the Hebrew Scriptures (forty of which Matthew uses), and now shown to be realized in history.

More than this, the Gospel holds forth Christ himself as the Chief Prophet (Matt. 17:5). So among the first three Gospels it is to Matthew that one must turn for Christ’s great discourses. ‘Whatever parallels the other Gospels contain, it is the former publican who has given us this material in its fullest and most organized form.’ Matthew gives us not only the Sermon on the Mount, but the seven ‘kingdom’ parables, the rules for church discipline, the seven woes denounced upon Pharisees and scribes, and Christ’s vivid and detailed prophecy of the future of Jerusalem, the church and the world. The majestic portrayal of the final judgment provides the grand climax of Christ’s prophetic ministry.

The commentary on the text is preceded by one hundred pages of Introduction in which Dr Hendriksen deals with the ‘synoptic problem.’ Dating the Gospel at around A.D. 63-66, he shows the ineffectualness of the attempted liberal ‘reconstruction’ of the Gospel history.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

To the four: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John 3
To the three: Matthew, Mark, and Luke (The Synoptics) 6
A. Their Origin (The Synoptic Problem) 6
B. Their Reliability 54
Characteristics 79
Authorship, Date, and Place 92
Purpose 97
Theme and Outline 99
The interpretation of each of the Lord’s discourses is preceded by an introduction and summary. Elsewhere the summary will be found at the close of the chapter. By way of exception Matthew 28 is followed by a “Reflection” on the main theme of that chapter.
GENERAL THEME: The Work Which Thou Gavest Him to Do 99
Its Beginning or Inauguration 1:1- 4:11 103
Chapter 1 104
Chapter 2 148
Chapter 3 194
Chapter 4:1-11 220
Its Progress or Continuation 4:12-20:34 237
A. The Great Galilean Ministry 238
Chapter 4:12-25 239
Chapters 5-7 First Great Discourse 254
Chapters 8, 9 384
Chapter 10 Second Great Discourse 444
Chapter 11 480
Chapter 12 508
Chapter 13 Third Great Discourse 546
Chapter 14 584
Chapter 15:1-20 606
B. The Retirement Plus Perean Ministries 620
Chapter 15:21-39 621
Chapter 16 634
Chapter 17 662
Chapter 18 Fourth Great Discourse 682
Chapter 19 710
Chapter 20 734
Its Climax or Culmination 21:1-28:20 757
A. The Week of the Passion 758
Chapter 21 759
Chapter 22 790
Chapter 23 Fifth Great Discourse 816
Chapters 24, 25 Sixth Great Discourse 842
Chapter 26 894
Chapter 27 940
B. The Resurrection 986
Chapter 28 987



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