Christian Living

The following books on Christian discipleship focus on applying biblical and reformed theology to the Christian life. Topics include the practical implications of the doctrine of God’s providence and the doctrine of election, as well as topics like repentance and maturity in the faith. Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle and Duties of Christian Fellowship by John Owen are two particularly edifying Christian living books worth looking into.

Front cover of the book Maturity by Sinclair Ferguson


Growing Up and Going On in the Christian Life

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price From: £6.50
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Endorsements ‘Sinclair Ferguson is the purest kind of theologian. He draws doctrine from the text of Scripture. This, of course, gives confidence to the reader that the doctrines he explains are the ones that come correctly from the mouth of God. Nothing is more important for the believer than getting the doctrines related to sanctification […]

cover image for The Power and Sympathy of Christ by J.C. Ryle
price From: £5.00


Book Description This book, The Power and Sympathy of Christ, contains six studies on John chapter 11—one of the most remarkable chapters in all the New Testament. It deals with themes most useful and interesting to all professing believers. Just like the rest of the human race, Christians are ‘born to trouble as the sparks […]

cover image for In Their Own Words by David Calhoun

In Their Own Words

The Testimonies of Luther, Calvin, Knox and Bunyan

by David Calhoun

price From: £5.00


Book Description Hundreds of biographies have been written of Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Knox and John Bunyan. But there is something unique to be gained by listening to these men tell their stories in their own words. Here, in In Their Own Words is a collection of testimonial statements drawn from the writings of […]

Cover image of Glory of Grace

The Glory of Grace

An Introduction to the Puritans in Their Own Words

by Lewis Allen, Tim Chester

price From: £6.30
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Book Description Who were the Puritans? What did they seek to achieve? What were their successes and failures? Are they of any importance to Christians today? We firmly believe that all Christians need to discover the important story of how these men and women sought to follow Jesus Christ. Their convictions resulted in a brave […]


Following Jesus

The Essentials of Christian Discipleship

by Andrew M. Randall

price From: £6.75
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Endorsements ‘Standing in the great tradition of preachers who were once lawyers, Andrew Randall skilfully unfolds from Scripture ‘the truth . . . and nothing but the truth’ about what it means to be a Christian. Fresh and compelling, shrewd and honest, winsome and reliable, Following Jesus is exactly the kind of book every young […]

price £5.00
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Book Description Published the year after his Pilgrim’s Progress, in 1679, Bunyan’s Treatise on the Fear of God takes a widely misunderstood and neglected theme, wipes off the grime of confusion, and lets it sparkle. And sparkle really is the word: where most assume that the fear of God must be the gloomy theological equivalent […]

cover image for Some Pastors and Teachers by Sinclair Ferguson

Some Pastors and Teachers

Reflecting a biblical vision of what every minister is called to be

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price From: £13.00
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cover image for Grace Abounding by John Bunyan
price From: £6.00
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Book Description John Bunyan is known across the English-speaking world as the author of The Pilgrim’s Progress. But who was Bunyan, and what was it that provided him with the stimulus and inspiration to write that most revered and well-loved of allegories? The answer can, in part, be found in Grace Abounding, for it is […]

price From: £4.80


Endorsements ‘A short but powerful little book that does exactly what it claims—it offers comfort to those who are sick and suffering…I went through this book with pencil and highlighter in-hand and relished every page. There is so much I want to go back to and to reflect on further. But even with a single, […]

marching to zion cover

Marching to Zion

Ancient Psalms for Modern Pilgrims

by Rhett P. Dodson

price From: £6.50
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Book Description The Psalms of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) were sung by Israelites as they made their way to Jerusalem for the annual feasts of Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. As pilgrim songs, they provide a way for believers to express their fears, needs, and aspirations as they journey through this life. These psalms are also the […]


Duties of Christian Fellowship

A Manual For Church Members

by John Owen

price £5.00
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Book Description Duties of Christian Fellowship deals with a matter of perennial concern for every truly Christian church. In just a few pages it sets out in very concise terms the responsibilities all Christians have, first, to their pastors, and then second, to one another within the fellowship of the local church. John Owen was […]


Flowers From a Puritan’s Garden

Illustrations and Meditations

by C. H. Spurgeon

price £6.25
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Book Description Do you ever underline helpful passages in books you are reading? This is exactly what C. H. Spurgeon used to do when reading the Puritans. Whilst reading Thomas Manton, he was struck time and time again by the ‘solid, sensible instruction, forcibly delivered’ that he found there. To Manton’s thoughts, Spurgeon added his […]