Christian Living

The following books on Christian discipleship focus on applying biblical and reformed theology to the Christian life. Topics include the practical implications of the doctrine of God’s providence and the doctrine of election, as well as topics like repentance and maturity in the faith. Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle and Duties of Christian Fellowship by John Owen are two particularly edifying Christian living books worth looking into.

Cover of Help Heavenward

Help Heavenward

Guidance and Strength For the Christian's Life-Journey

by Octavius Winslow

price £6.50


Guidance and encouragement for Christians on their life-journey. 232pp.

price £5.00
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A guide to the greatness of God in his majesty and creative power, the tenderness of his care, and the marvel of his love. 144pp.

Grow In Grace
price £5.00


Explains the patterns of God’s work in his people. 160pp.

Great God of Wonders
price £6.00
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A collection of articles which provide thought-provoking, spiritually invigorating, practical and warmly biblical reading. 240pp.

Gospel Basics

Gospel Basics

Trusting, Following, and Winning Christ

by Andrew Bonar

price £6.50


In sixteen brief chapters, Bonar deals with a wide range of important subjects related to the Christian life, such as, coming to Christ, growing in grace and holiness, and serving the Lord in the work of the gospel. 184pp.

price From: £4.80


Hope for the desponding, consolation for the bereaved and light for those in darkness, from the author’s own experiences of loss. 144pp.


God-Centred Evangelism

A Presentation of the Scriptural Theology of Evangelism

by R. B. Kuiper

price £6.50
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Covers the whole spectrum of themes on evangelism, from its origin in God himself, to the assurance of its ultimate triumph. 248pp.

From Grief to Glory

From Grief to Glory

Spiritual Journeys of Mourning Parents

by James W. Bruce, III

price From: £5.00


In ‘A Book of Comfort for Grieving Parents’, the author shares the sorrow of his own family’s loss of a child, and that of others such as Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon and John Bunyan. 216pp.

A Father's Gift

A Father’s Gift

Lessons from Proverbs

by Kenneth Wingate

price From: £6.30


Lessons from Proverbs’ — ‘wisdom that will prove to be worth its weight in gold in every age and culture.’ 216pp.


Everlasting Righteousness

How Shall Man Be Just With God?

by Horatius Bonar

price From: £4.50
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The answer to the question ‘How Shall Man be Just with God? is to be found in God and the provision he has made in the Lord Jesus Christ. 232pp.

Discovering Gods Will
price From: £4.80


Draws out the fundamental principles by which God guides us. 128pp.

Deserted by God?

Deserted by God?

Hope For All Who Do Not Sense the Lord's Sustaining Presence During Life's Most Troublesome Times

by Sinclair B. Ferguson

price From: £6.30
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Draws on the experience of the Old Testament psalmists to help us begin to understand the ways of God. 196pp.