Christian Living
The following books on Christian discipleship focus on applying biblical and reformed theology to the Christian life. Topics include the practical implications of the doctrine of God’s providence and the doctrine of election, as well as topics like repentance and maturity in the faith. Thoughts for Young Men by J.C. Ryle and Duties of Christian Fellowship by John Owen are two particularly edifying Christian living books worth looking into.
Showing 61–72 of 232 resultsSorted by latest
Every Promise of Your Word
The Gospel According to Joshua
In ‘Every Promise of Your Word’, learn anew to rely on the God who keeps his every promise and see Jesus as he is revealed in the Scriptures. 384 pp.
Child in the Manger
The True Meaning of Christmas
Book Description What is Christmas? For many it is a time for holidays, parties, family gatherings, gifts, meals together, music, and special events. For others it can mean unwanted pressure, an increased sense of loneliness, family squabbles, and crowded shops. For those living in the Northern Hemisphere, Christmas takes place at the onset of winter […]
Book Description The nineteenth century was an age that witnessed great progress in many areas of exploration and learning. However, according to J.C. Ryle, it was an age of great ignorance too. ‘With all the stir made about education’, he wryly observed, ‘the ignorance of our own country’s history is something lamentable and appalling and […]
Jesus Christ, God’s Son, the Saviour
Endorsements ‘Pastoral, but also theological, and gives answers to many of the questions that people have about the person and work of Christ. A great book for evangelism.’ — JEFF KINGSWOOD Book Description Ichthus is the Greek word for a fish. Its five Greek letters form the first letters of the early Christian confession that […]
EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘[Ryle’s writings are] a distillation of true Puritan theology presented in a highly readable and modern form.’ — D. MARTYN LLOYD-JONES ‘I see [Ryle] as a single-minded Christian communicator of profound biblical, theological, and practical wisdom, a man and minister of giant personal stature and electric force of utterance that sympathetic readers […]
La Salvacion, La Biblia y El Catolicismo Romano
Salvation, the Bible & Roman Catholicism
¿Por qué hay iglesias católicas y protestantes ? ¿Hay alguna razón por un desacuerdo sobre la doctrina que tuvo lugar hace casi 500 años debe seguir dividir a la gente hoy en día? Es no es el caso de que los católicos romanos y protestantes creen básicamente las mismas cosas ? En La Salvación, La […]
Pundit's Folly
《传道书》解读 内容简介 智者有两个问题: 第一个问题:日光之下,生命的本质是什么? 第二个问题:日光之下,生命的意义是什么? 倘若尘土是我们的归宿,那么,有什么目标是真实而恒久的?古老的著作《传道书》中说了哪些深刻而隐密的真相? 人从哪里来?要到哪里去?人生的意义是什么?人一切的劳碌,就是他在日光之下的劳碌,有什么益处呢? 古往今来,无数的人生故事不断上演。或富或贫,或天赋异秉,或资质平平,每个人的结局殊途同归,那就是:“归于尘土”。世上的生命是短暂的,然而,在日光之上有永恒的生命。 傅格森博士是一位巨匠,他用平实又充满睿智的语言,展现永恒真理的魅力。在本书中,他跟随一卷名为《传道书》的古老著作,逐一审视人生各个重要命题,带领读者认真探寻生命的真正意义。
Book Description Why Read Church History? is written by a man who is passionate about his subject. With infectious enthusiasm he outlines a number of important reasons why every Christian should develop a keen interest in what God has done in the past. He ably demonstrates the practical value of understanding church history, points out […]
Endorsement ‘Christians today need not only the truth and comfort Sibbes offers here; they need his heartfelt delight so that they live for no other end than the very glory of God.’ — MICHAEL REEVES Book Description A Heavenly Conference is Richard Sibbes’ exposition of the memorable meeting that took place on the first Easter […]
Endorsements ‘This is a work that will serve the church permanently in helping readers “to know”, whether much better or for the first time, “the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge”. I commend it most highly.’ — RICHARD B. GAFFIN, JR. ‘Knowing Christ is a majestic gem. Its author takes the reader by a loving […]
Its Nature, Hindrances, Difficulties, and Roots
Endorsement ‘A book I think every Christian should read. It is so readable, so accessible, a very simple style of presentation, but absolutely forceful, and discerning. Every time I read it the Lord uses it to press upon me the importance and the possibility of holiness. It’s one of those books that makes you feel […]
EndorsementsRead More ↓ ‘In few writers are Christian doctrine, experience and practice more happily balanced than in the author of these letters, and few write with more simplicity, piety and force.’ — C. H. SPURGEON ‘What thousands have derived repeated profit and pleasure from the perusal of these utterances of the heart! Nor ever will […]
Showing 61–72 of 232 resultsSorted by latest