
This selection includes biblical and reformed books on various theological topics, including many books from the classic Puritan Paperbacks series. These books are both theological and doxological in their exposition of their subjects, as our deep thinking about God should lead us to heartfelt worship of Him. Some notable titles on this page include Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, The Spirit and the Church by John Owen, and The Westminster Confession.

Showing 97–108 of 220 results


The Milk Of The Word

An Introduction to the Christian Faith

by Peter Barnes

price £5.00
Avg. Rating


A clear, simple introduction to fundamental truths of the Faith. 96pp.

The Momentous Event

The Momentous Event

A Discussion of Scripture Teaching on the Second Advent

by W.J. Grier

price £4.50
Avg. Rating


One of the best introductions available to the biblical teaching on the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. 128pp.

New Testament Introduction

New Testament Introduction

An Introduction to its Literature and History

by J. Gresham Machen

price £8.50


Brings the history and literature of the New Testament alive today in a fascinating way. 392pp.

No Condemnation In Christ

No Condemnation In Christ

As Unfolded in the Eighth Chapter of the Epistle to the Romans

by Octavius Winslow

price £5.00


An exposition which displays the treasures of grace to be found in Romans chapter 8. 400pp.

No Holiness No Heaven

No Holiness No Heaven

Antinomianism Today

by Richard Alderson

price £5.00
Avg. Rating


Examines the Christian’s relationship to God’s law. 112pp.

Old Paths

Old Paths

Being Plain Statements on Some of the Weightier Matters of Christianity

by J. C. Ryle

price From: £9.00


The longer I live the more I am convinced that the world needs no new Gospel, as some profess to think. I am thoroughly persuaded that the world needs nothing but bold, full, unflinching teaching of the “old paths”‘. -J.C. Ryle. 536pp.

One Lord, One Plan, One People

One Lord, One Plan, One People

A Journey Through The Bible From Genesis To Revelation

by Rodger Crooks

price From: £8.50


A journey through the Bible, pointing out the main features of each book and focusing on Jesus, the one Lord who is the terminal point of God’s promises. 480pp.

Our Great God and Saviour
price From: £6.75


Warm and pastorally-directed studies which look at the character of God, the salvation of God and the church of God, and provide satisfying food for the hearts and minds of Christian readers everywhere. 208pp.

price £5.00
Avg. Rating


Faithful expositions of Psalms 2, 110 and 45, which focus on Christ’s grace, majesty and glory. 120pp.



A Biblical Perspective

by Eric J. Alexander

price From: £5.00
Avg. Rating


A book for all those who want to live nearer to God and to be refreshed in their communion with him. 104pp.

price £5.25
Avg. Rating


In this brief but remarkable study of the life of prayer, Dutch pastor Frans Bakker (1919-65) covers themes such as secret, persevering, arrogant, humble, and bold prayer, concluding with a powerful warning of what happens when prayer is ‘too late’. 104pp.


Price For A People

The Meaning of Christ's Death

by Tom Wells

price £4.50
Avg. Rating


The Meaning of Christ’s Death’ is clearly and biblically explained. 168pp.

Showing 97–108 of 220 results