Published: 2002
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Cómo llegar a Creer en Cristo
Coming to Faith in Christ
En este librito, el autor nos muestra la naturaleza y los requisitos de una fe genuina en Cristo y cómo llegar a alcanzarla. 32pp.

The Let’s Study series of commentaries are concerned with the ways in which the teaching of Scripture can affect and transform our lives today. Understanding the Bible’s message and applying its teaching are the aims—exposition of Scripture written in the language of a friend, seated alongside with an open Bible. A Group Study Guide is included in each volume.

Ernest Reisinger
A Biography
The absorbing story of a man greatly used of God in the renaissance of the Reformed faith in the 20th century. 272pp.

The Atonement Controversy
In Welsh Theological Literature and Debate, 1707 - 1841
Details the discussion in Welsh theological literature and debate (1707–1841), seeking to understand the nature and extent of the atonement. Translated by John Aaron. 432pp.

With a good translation . . . fruitful comments, and profitable dissertations, this volume is about as complete a guide to the smaller epistles as one could desire’—Spurgeon. 464pp.

The Centrality of Scripture
A powerful call to preachers to obey Paul’s parting charge to Timothy (2 Tim. 4:2). 24pp.

Book Description What is God’s attitude towards those who hear the Gospel? Does God desire the salvation of all? In this careful and scholarly work, John Murray (1898 – 1975), formerly Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary, surveys the biblical evidence. He shows how the offer of Christ in the gospel demonstrates an ardent […]

Book Description According to J C Ryle, private prayer is the most neglected of all Christian duties. That is most unfortunate because private prayer is the true measure of a Christian’s walk before God and ‘the pith and marrow of practical Christianity’. To bestir his readers to the practice and privilege of private prayer, Ryle […]
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