Published: 2000s

A Guide to Christian Living
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A clear, balanced set of directions and encouragements to all who desire to live according to the gospel. Translated by Robert White. 128pp.

The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ

The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ

An Assessment of the Reformation and the New Perspective on Paul

by Cornelis P. Venema

price From: £10.00


Subtitled ‘An Assessment of the Reformation and “New Perspectives” on Paul’, contains a summary of the Reformation perspective on Paul’s doctrine of justification, a general introduction to what is known as the ‘new perspective’, and a critical assessment of the latter from a biblical and theological standpoint. 352pp.

Gleanings From Paul

Gleanings From Paul

The Prayers of the Apostle

by A. W. Pink

price £16.00


A study of the prayers of the Apostle Paul. 496pp.

Evangelicalism Divided

Evangelicalism Divided

A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950 to 2000

by Iain H. Murray

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A penetrating review of 50 years of crucial change in evangelical attitudes and alignments, 1950–2000. 352pp.

Ernest Reisinger

Ernest Reisinger

A Biography

by Geoffrey Thomas

price £16.50


The absorbing story of a man greatly used of God in the renaissance of the Reformed faith in the 20th century. 272pp.

Cover image for "Elizabeth Prentiss"

Elizabeth Prentiss

More Love to Thee

by Sharon James

price £15.00


The moving story of a fascinating, gifted and godly woman, author of the popular novel Stepping Heavenward. 264pp.



Man of Prayer, Man of War

by Walter J. Chantry

price From: £8.00


A fascinating study of ancient Israel’s greatest king. 304pp.

Concerning the True Care of Souls
price From: £8.00
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Book Description We want to demonstrate to all the pious children of God, who from their hearts pray for the future of the kingdom of Christ, our own duty in this so deplorable scattering of the church. The fact that all people have been made by God and are God’s creatures should therefore be reason […]

An A-Z of Christian Truth and Experience
price £12.00


Sayings from the most influential thinkers and writers of all the Christian centuries. A store of priceless treasure. 144pp.


The Atonement Controversy

In Welsh Theological Literature and Debate, 1707 - 1841

by Owen Thomas

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Details the discussion in Welsh theological literature and debate (1707–1841), seeking to understand the nature and extent of the atonement. Translated by John Aaron. 432pp.


Romans 14

Volume 14: Liberty and Conscience

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price £16.50


The longest series of expositions preached in Westminster Chapel during Dr Lloyd-Jones’ 30-year ministry there was on this the greatest of the New Testament Epistles. 238–528pp.


Romans 13

Volume 13: Life in Two Kingdoms

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price £16.50
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The longest series of expositions preached in Westminster Chapel during Dr Lloyd-Jones’ 30-year ministry there was on this the greatest of the New Testament Epistles. 238–528pp.