Published: 2000s

Authentic Christianity

Authentic Christianity

Volume 2: Sermons on the Acts of the Apostles

by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

price £15.75


In these evangelistic sermons preached in Westminster Chapel between 1965 and 1968, ‘the Doctor’ directs his hearers away from the bankruptcy of modern thought to the only source of hope for his or any other generation, the unchanging ‘gospel of God, concerning his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.’ Here is ‘authentic Christianity and nothing else.’ 304–352pp.

price £14.00


With a good translation . . . fruitful comments, and profitable dissertations, this volume is about as complete a guide to the smaller epistles as one could desire’—Spurgeon. 464pp.



by J. C. Ryle

price £1.50


In a spiritual, insightful and practical study into the Bible’s teaching on worship, Ryle provides clear guiding principles. 32pp.

price £1.00
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Highlights the weaknesses of contemporary preaching and suggests ways to overcome them. 32pp.


The Unresolved Controversy

Unity With Non-Evangelicals

by Iain H. Murray

price £1.25


An address summarizing the central theme of the author’s book Evangelicalism Divided. 32pp.

Reading the Bible and Praying in Public
price £1.25


Olyott supplies wise practical advice on two vitally important acts of our corporate church worship. 24pp.


The Psalter

The Only Hymnal?

by Iain H. Murray

price £1.50


Shows that Psalms set to music are a rich heritage and one not to be set aside, but there are biblical reasons why it is a mistake to suppose that the words of the Old Testament alone are to be used in sung praise. 32pp.

price £2.50


This guide based on Venema’s acclaimed The Promise of the Future, will be helpful to individuals and groups studying this exhilarating subject. 44pp.

price From: £1.50
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Argues that the church must maintain the ‘priority of preaching’ for both biblical and theological reasons and offers helpful practical advice. 32pp.



The Centrality of Scripture

by Al Mohler

price From: £1.50


A powerful call to preachers to obey Paul’s parting charge to Timothy (2 Tim. 4:2). 24pp.

The Mortification of Sin - Study Guide
price £2.50


Of assistance to individuals and groups in reading John Owen’s Puritan Paperback on this vital subject. 48pp.

price From: £1.50
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A persuasive presentation of the unchanging gospel. 32pp.