Expository Sermons on 2 Peter

Weight 0.34 kg
Dimensions 21.5 × 13.6 × 1.5 cm
ISBN 9780851517711

Paperback, Cloth-bound



Page Count


Paperback ISBN


Cloth-bound ISBN



2 Peter

Original Pub Date


Banner Pub Date

Dec 1, 1999

Book Description

When Dr. Lloyd-Jones preached these twenty-five sermons on 2 Peter (October 1946-1947) comparatively few saw their far-reaching significance. The minister of Westminster Chapel, London, was proposing to rebuild a congregation on lines strangely unfamiliar in post-war Britain. The sermons’ form- authoritative, expository preaching — and, still more, their content, were against all the prevailing trends. J. I. Packer, one of his younger hearers in the late 1940s, has written: ‘I had never heard such preaching and was electrified. All that I know about preaching, I can honestly say, I learned from “the Doctor”. I have never heard another preacher with so much of God about him’.

The content of this volume is its chief warrant for publication. But as a record of Dr. Lloyd-Jones’ first extensive series of sermons on any one book of Scripture it also has some special interest. With treatment which is broader and less detailed than normal (intentionally he does not deal with every verse) his hearers were introduced to expository preaching. Now, in this format, his 2 Peter sermons will provide an introduction for others to a type of reading which is able, under God, to strengthen Christians and churches around the world.

Table of Contents Expand ↓

1. Precious Faith 1
Chapter 1:1-2
2. Exceeding Great and Precious Promises 12
Chapter 1:3-4
3. The Balanced Life 22
Chapter 1:5-7
4. Assurance of Salvation 32
Chapter 1:10
5. Life and Death 41
Chapter 1:8, 9, 11
6. Things We Must Never Forget 53
Chapter 1:12-15
7. The Doctrine of the Second Advent 63
Chapter 1:16
8. The Message of the Second Advent 74
Chapter 1:16
9. The Apostolic Testimony 83
Chapter 1:16-18
10. The Authority of Scripture 92
Chapter 1:19-21
11. Fulfilled Prophecy — the Message of Christmas 101
Chapter 1:19
12. The Gleam in the Gloom 112
Chapter 1:19
13. False Prophets and their Teachings 123
Chapter 2:1-3
14. False Teaching and its Consequences 134
Chapter 2:1-3
15. The Examples of Noah and Lot 145
Chapter 2:5-8
16. The Sovereignty of God 155
Chapter 2:9
17. The Vital Importance of Biblical History 166
Chapter 3:1-7
18. God and Time 175
Chapter 3:8-9
19. The Biblical View of History 184
Chapter 3:10
20. The Blessed Hope 196
Chapter 3:11-20
21. The Consolation of the Scriptures 207
Chapter 3:15-17
22. Growing in Grace (I) 218
Chapter 3:18
23. Growing in Grace (II) 229
Chapter 3:18
24. Growing in Grace (III) 241
Chapter 3:18
25. The Glory of God 253
Chapter 3:18



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