Books on Church and Ministry

Collected Writings of John Murray

Collected Writings of John Murray

Volume 1: The Claims of Truth

by John Murray

price £19.00


The most important of Murray’s shorter writings illustrating his conviction that theology should be ‘shot through with ardent devotion’. 392pp.

price From: £4.80
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The great classic on the work of the Christian ministry. 256pp.


The Art of Prophesying

And the Calling of the Ministry

by William Perkins

price From: £4.80


Basic guidance to help all Christians read and use the Bible intelligently, with a powerful message to those who lead and preach. 208pp.

William Carey

William Carey

And the Missionary Vision

by Daniel Webber

price £6.00


The heroic story of Carey’s passionate advocacy of world mission. Includes his Enquiry and a sermon by Andrew Fuller. 128pp.

price From: £3.00
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Three addresses by ‘The Doctor’ at the IFES Conference in 1971, dealing with commitment to the biblical gospel. 80pp.

price From: £4.80
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As a pastor of the flock of God, Ryle seeks to guard Christ’s sheep and to warn them of approaching dangers. 176pp.

Visitor's Book of Texts

Visitor’s Book of Texts

A Vital Tool for Pastoral Visitation

by Andrew Bonar

price £6.50
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Much-needed advice and clear guidance on what we should say when visiting the sick. Selected scriptures are interspersed with Bonar’s brief, spiritual, helpful comments. 296pp.

Vision for Missions Cover
price £6.00
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Summons us back to first principles about missions. Human need is not the starting place. The gospel is a call to know and worship God. 160pp.


Unlisted Legion

Part of its Witness in the Karakoram and the Khyber

by Jock Purves

price £3.50
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An autobiography of Jock Purves, retelling the story of the missionary efforts of him and his friends in Lesser Thibet and on the Indian-Afghan Frontier. 208pp.

Troubled Journey

Troubled Journey

A Missionary Childhood in War-Torn China

by Faith Cook

price £6.00
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Faith Cook shares her first-hand story of a missionary childhood in China during World War II and the subsequent Communist takeover. 128pp.

Today's Gospel

Today’s Gospel

Authentic or Synthetic?

by Walter J. Chantry

price £5.00
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In Today’s Gospel: Authentic or Synthetic?, Chantry uses the story of the rich young ruler (Mark 10:17-27) to present the true nature of the gospel, and expose the unbiblical ways in which it is presented today. 96pp.

image of the book the reformation of the church

Reformation Of The Church

A Collection of Reformed and Puritan Documents on Church Issues

by Iain H. Murray

price From: £8.00
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A Collection of Reformed and Puritan Documents on Church Issues’ with introductory notes. 416pp.