This selection includes biblical and reformed books on various theological topics, including many books from the classic Puritan Paperbacks series. These books are both theological and doxological in their exposition of their subjects, as our deep thinking about God should lead us to heartfelt worship of Him. Some notable titles on this page include Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, The Spirit and the Church by John Owen, and The Westminster Confession.
Showing 13–24 of 220 resultsSorted by latest
Knowing God and Ourselves
Reading Calvin’s Institutes Devotionally
Book Description The goal of Knowing God and Ourselves is to help students, especially beginning students, of Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion to better understand what they are reading and to encourage them to persist in working through this important but challenging book. Calvin intended the Institutes to be a guide in reading Scripture […]
Shadow of Calvary
Gethsemane, the arrest, the trial
Endorsement ‘Martin was exceptionally gifted intellectually. For all his familiarity with the Christology of the Church, his work does not merely pour old wine into old wineskins. There is something striking, fresh, thought-demanding, about his whole approach.’ — SINCLAIR B. FERGUSON Book Description Calvary cast a shadow over the whole of Christ’s ministry. It was, […]
Endorsements ‘Page after page glows with the ardour of a preacher who is enamoured of his theme … The truth is so real to his own experience that he cares little for unprofitable controversies.’– C.H. SPURGEON ‘Dr Smeaton was the master of a very clear and unobtrusive style of expression. … He was as modest […]
The Mysteries of Christianity
Revealed Truths Expounded and Defended
Book Description From the Introduction by Sinclair B. Ferguson ‘Mystery’ is a biblical word that over the years has been reduced in meaning. Taking on an atmosphere very different to the sense in which it was used for example by the apostle Paul. It is important therefore in opening these pages to realize that in […]
EndorsementsRead More ↓ From the Introductory Essay ‘The doctrine of Justification by faith is like Atlas: it bears a world: it bears a world on its shoulders, the entire evangelical knowledge of saving grace. The doctrines of election, of effectual calling, regeneration, and repentance, of adoption, of prayer, of the church, the ministry, and the […]
Reformed Theology Student Set
3 Volume Special
This set includes: The Doctrine of Justification – Clothbound The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit – Clothbound The Mysteries of Christianity – Clothbound Want to learn more about each title in this set? Click on the related items above to read in depth about each title, however, remember to add the ‘Reformed Theology Student Set’ […]
The Banner of Truth Magazine
Issues 1-16 (Sept 1955 through Aug 1959)
Published to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of its first appearance, contains the issues of the magazine from Sept. 1955–Aug. 1959. 544pp.
La Salvacion, La Biblia y El Catolicismo Romano
Salvation, the Bible & Roman Catholicism
¿Por qué hay iglesias católicas y protestantes ? ¿Hay alguna razón por un desacuerdo sobre la doctrina que tuvo lugar hace casi 500 años debe seguir dividir a la gente hoy en día? Es no es el caso de que los católicos romanos y protestantes creen básicamente las mismas cosas ? En La Salvación, La […]
Revival and Revivalism
从1750年到1858年的美洲福音派历史与分析 评 论 《真正的复兴》是教会史研究领域的经典,不仅记录了教会的过去,更是开启当代福音派运动及其深层次需要的钥匙。当今每个渴望教会复兴的基督徒都应阅读本书。 ——傅格森(救赎主神学院系统神学教授/《磐石之上》与《日光之上》作者) 本书依据史实分析18-19世纪的美洲福音派复兴运动,指明如何区分“真正的复兴”与“奋兴运动”,以及此差异对今日教会的重大影响。这是精研复兴运动史的杰作,是苏醒人心的暮鼓晨钟,是期盼教会复兴者必读之作! ——吕沛渊(威斯敏斯特神学院博士) 《真正的复兴》一书,我早已拜读过英文原著,受益匪浅。不管是在神学的正统性上,还是在历史的客观性上,此书都属于经典之作。真正的“复兴”,永远是“上帝神奇的工作”,不是来自人为的操纵和宣传所造成的各种各样的“奋兴”。“复兴”的共同点就是:“相信上帝在他的话语上永远信实,相信基督已从死里复活,相信圣灵已被赐下以确保上帝的国度会不断扩展”;而人为的“奋兴”则是“情绪性的、出于人为操控的事情”。真正的复兴所代表的是“思想”,是真 理方面的发现和回归,最终也落实在生命的改变和美德的增加上。因此,真正的复兴来自圣灵大能的降下,使人真正认罪、悔改,使周围的世界出现“整体性的变革”。中国教会正在经历真正的“复兴”,但也不乏各种形式的人为的“奋兴”。唯愿默里先生此书中译本的出版,能够帮助中国教会识别何谓真正的“复兴”和人为的“奋兴”,在复兴的烈火中能够既有火热的心志,同时保持头脑的冷静和清醒,消除各种山寨版的“复兴”和“基督教”,使中国教会和社会更多得蒙真理的光照与祝福! ——王志勇(香港雅和博圣约书院院长/美国主恩基督教会主任牧师) 內容簡介 “决志信主”等同于悔改归信吗?复兴是情绪化的吗?复兴是人为操作的吗?复兴是可以复制的吗?真正的复兴必定会带来生命的改变和美德的增加。因此,真正的复兴来自圣灵大能的降下,使人真正认罪、悔改,使周围的世界出现“整体性的变革”。 伊恩•默里分析了1750年到1858年在美国大部分宗派中出现的复兴运动,用大量历史事实推论得出复兴与奋兴之间的差别。帮助读者去伪存真,认识真正的复兴。
Endorsements ‘I am thrilled to see this classic work on Presbyterian polity being reissued. And if you think “thrilled” and “Presbyterian polity” don’t belong in the same sentence, that’s just one more reason we need Bannerman’s book. In a day where the doctrine of the church is often thought obscure, irrelevant, and even divisive, Bannerman […]
Christ Set Forth
As the Cause of Justification and as the Object of Justifying Faith
*New retypeset edition* Endorsements ‘Turning to nearly any page in this volume, readers will be rewarded with a remarkably pastoral theology of justification by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.’ — MICHAEL HORTON Book Description First published in 1642, Christ Set Forth — one of Thomas Goodwin’s most beloved and enduring works — […]
You Must Read
Books that have shaped our lives
Book Description Have you ever wondered what influences have shaped the preachers, teachers and authors you respect? You Must Read brings together more than thirty well-known Christian leaders and gives them the opportunity to talk about a book that has made a lasting impact on their lives. Their personal narratives and recommendations of the literature […]
Showing 13–24 of 220 resultsSorted by latest