
This selection includes biblical and reformed books on various theological topics, including many books from the classic Puritan Paperbacks series. These books are both theological and doxological in their exposition of their subjects, as our deep thinking about God should lead us to heartfelt worship of Him. Some notable titles on this page include Institutes of the Christian Religion by John Calvin, The Spirit and the Church by John Owen, and The Westminster Confession.

Thy Word Is Truth

Thy Word Is Truth

Some Thoughts on the Biblical Doctrine of Inspiration

by E. J. Young

price £8.00


The classic popular exposition of the biblical doctrine of inspiration. 280pp.

price From: £8.00
Avg. Rating


Endorsement ‘One of the most precious of the peerless works of the Puritans, and those best acquainted with it prize it most.’ — C. H. Spurgeon Book Description In this book Thomas Watson continues his exposition of the Shorter Catechism drawn up by the Westminster Assembly. Watson was one of the most popular preachers in […]

Cover of 'A Summary of Christian Doctrine'
price From: £5.80


Unequalled as a handbook of Christian doctrine, written from an evangelical and reformed viewpoint. Includes questions for review. 165pp.


Spurgeon vs. Hyper-Calvinism

The Battle For Gospel Preaching

by Iain H. Murray

price From: £5.50
Avg. Rating


Elaborates the issues involved in ‘The Battle for Gospel Preaching’ between Spurgeon and fellow Baptists of Hyper-Calvinistic views. 184pp.

Sovereignty Of God
price £6.25
Avg. Rating


What is needed now, as never before,’ says A. W. Pink, ‘is a full, positive, constructive setting forth of the Godhood of God.’ 168pp. Reset edition 2009.

Sickness, Suffering and Scripture
price £5.00


In 13 short Bible studies, shows what the Christian’s perspective on sickness and suffering ought to be. 96pp.

price £5.00


Shows from Scripture that the only hope for lost men and women is the grace of a God who actually saves. 144pp.


Satan Cast Out

A Study in Biblical Demonology

by Frederick Leahy

price £5.50


A lucid, biblical review of Christian teaching on such issues as the existence and activity of Satan, demon-possession and the occult. 200pp.

price £4.50
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Using authoritative Roman Catholic documents, the author provides an instructive, thought-provoking and personally challenging analysis of Roman Catholic teaching and how it compares with Scripture. 184pp.

price £6.00
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Colquhoun (1748–1827) distinguishes between evangelical or true repentance and legal repentance. 216pp.

price £7.75


In this major study, the ‘theologian of revival’ analyses the nature of a genuine work of the Holy Spirit. 384pp.

image of the book the reformation of the church

Reformation Of The Church

A Collection of Reformed and Puritan Documents on Church Issues

by Iain H. Murray

price From: £8.00
Avg. Rating


A Collection of Reformed and Puritan Documents on Church Issues’ with introductory notes. 416pp.