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The Inter-Faith Movement

The New Age Enters the Church

by H. J. Pollitt

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The New Age Enters the Church’ — traces the historical development of religious pluralism and the stages by which it has eroded the once-held view of the exclusiveness of the Christian faith. 224pp.

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This index covers issues 1 to 315, September 1955 to December 1989. 111pp.

Heavenly Springs
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Brief Sabbath meditations from Bonar’s diary, letters and sermons. 244pp.

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A guide to the greatness of God in his majesty and creative power, the tenderness of his care, and the marvel of his love. 144pp.

Grow In Grace
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Explains the patterns of God’s work in his people. 160pp.

Green Eye Of The Storm
price £9.00


The effects of the controversy over evolution, as seen in four eminent scientists with Christian convictions. 312pp.

A Great Gulf Fixed

A Great Gulf Fixed

Sermons on the Rich Man and Lazarus

by Brownlow North

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Evangelistic messages emphasising the momentous issues highlighted by Jesus’ parable of the rich man and Lazarus. 128pp.


The Great Divide

Christianity or Evolution?

by Gerard Berghoef, Lester DeKoster

price £5.00


Shows that the philosophy of evolution cannot be combined with the teaching of the Bible. 184pp.


God’s Riches

A Work-Book on the Doctrines of Grace

by J. Benton

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Serves as an introductory ‘Work-book on the Doctrines of Grace.’ 96pp. Illustrated.


God-Centred Evangelism

A Presentation of the Scriptural Theology of Evangelism

by R. B. Kuiper

price £6.50
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Covers the whole spectrum of themes on evangelism, from its origin in God himself, to the assurance of its ultimate triumph. 248pp.

God Transcendent
price £5.75


Popular addresses on the greatness and glory of God, the wonder and power of the gospel, and the service of Christ. 208pp.

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These Christians are unrecorded in the world’s annals of fame, but if the true principle of living Christianity is simple dependence upon God, and child-like faith, then their lives are eminent among those ‘of whom the world is not worthy’. 144pp.